CYPE(5)-23-19 – Paper 4


Ymateb gan: Coleg Caerdydd a’r Fro
Response from:
Cardiff and Vale College


As an FE college delivering HE through franchise agreements with our University partners, we are not required to return a Fee and Access Plan so the Act has not directly impacted us. However we would like to make the following observations in response to the consultation:



The Act seems to have ensured robust and proportionate regulation of institutions in Wales.


The introduction of the QAA Gateway Review has provided the platform for Cardiff and Vale College to deliver Higher Education courses without the need for franchise. This will enable the College to meet the needs of the region and develop higher level qualifications in vocational areas. This is a major step forward for CAVC and the FE sector.


To date, the arrangements set out in the Act have not impacted greatly on the College, due to the relationship and arrangements in place with HEI partners.


The college supports the changes to the Fee and Access plan arrangements, and the fee cap in Wales.


What is still unclear however, is whether a non-Welsh domiciled student can receive funding to study a higher level course in Wales, as this is the case when the situation is reversed. I.e. will the Office for Students fund an English student to study a HND with Cardiff and Vale College?